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#1 2024-02-28 10:30 pm

Registered: 2024-02-28
Posts: 3

New Member Hello

Hi,  Name is dave and i just installed phpbb 3.3.11.  Used to use phpbb a long time ago and retired so i no longer needed a forum.  Then i got bored and fired up some of the old stuff as a hobby.   Now i need more spam protection.   I currently
use the question captcha with at least 10 questions that need to use reasoning to answer correctly.  Not sure how smart AI bots are now days and if they can answer them or not.   I would also like to use a honey pot if i can find a an extension that creates one or i could do it myself.  I also plan to use recaptcha as well. 

I will see how this API key works for me to help stop spam before it even starts.

Also is ther a dark theme here, the white hurts my eyes. 

Thanks smile


#2 2024-02-29 1:26 am

Alex Kemp
From: Nottingham, England
Registered: 2009-12-02
Posts: 2,425

Re: New Member Hello

You do not need an API key to read the API, only to write to the API.

10 questions will be too much for a human, and easy as can be for a bot.

Styles are under Display within your Profile.


#3 2024-02-29 3:57 am

Registered: 2024-02-28
Posts: 3

Re: New Member Hello

Hi, thanks for the quick reply.  Just to clarify its just one question at a time, not all 10 at once lol...

Im not sure if a bot can answer the questions like

select not upper case letters in string
select only odd numbers and not upper case letters in string
spell string in reverse
if you had 6 full cans and 6 empty cans of the same size, you would have enough cans for a ? pack (number or word)


#4 2024-02-29 4:01 am

Registered: 2024-02-28
Posts: 3

Re: New Member Hello

All the themes look the same to me


#5 2024-02-29 8:12 am

BlueEyed Zebra
Registered: 2023-09-27
Posts: 11

Re: New Member Hello


Look like you have a little bit of free time. Think about your own code, because all of the free and commercially forum systems are known and xrumer gets constantly updated with the lates register- and login mechanisms. If you have your own individual sourcecode (that is not copy and paste!), xrumer bit bite on stone.

At the moment you could use ZBBlock and CIDRAM.

But take a piece of paper and think about a database (that is the most complicated part). Grab an USB stick, toss on some LAMP and make it locally only. Type in your database and start making your desing in HTML only by echoing it out in PHP. Then think about, how to get information out of the database (create some test datasets), then how to get data in.
When you are finished, test anything. Not what should work, test what should not work (like bruteforce browsing, fiddeling around with the params...), you will need to rewrite all of the db queries. Hint:

$BLAH= (int) mysqli_real_escape_string($con,htmlentities(trim(strip_tags($_GET/POST/SESSION['SOMETHING'])),ENT_DISALLOWED,'utf-8'));

If you are happy, toss it onto a root server, to have real access. Managed, website hosting and shared stuff wont help at all, because as root you can use ipset/iptables to block known badness directly on eth and anything that slips through is fail2ban and the use of a lot of rules in directory (its a little bit faster than htaccess) a nice thing.

And no, own server needs only time for setup, then its once per week running an update on the shell for 10 minutes. And you have the ability to contribute signatures to ZBBlock and CIDRAM.



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