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#151 2014-03-13 5:25 am

Papa Parrot
From: Mexico
Registered: 2011-08-19
Posts: 1,826

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Thanks, and welcome to the forum.


#152 2014-03-13 9:53 pm

Registered: 2014-03-13
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

thanks guys, great resource


#153 2014-03-17 10:11 am

Alex Kemp
From: Nottingham, England
Registered: 2009-12-02
Posts: 2,425

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Sometimes something happens to break the auto SFS-checks, and the sewer overflows...

For me that was errors in the system log like this:

Mar 17 02:32:01 cecilia php: PHP Fatal error:  Cannot create Lockfile; check your dir permissions (user, write). in /path/to/cli/sfscache.php on line 88

(I'd recently moved the lockfile dir to tighten up directory permissions a little, and had overlooked the SFS caching script for update).

I therefore got a slap around the chops with a putrid fish every time I checked the forums; I think that the record was 64 spam posts from one chap (a one-button press at my end to remove the lot, but that is normally unnecessary).

It does not bear to think what life would be like without SFS.


#154 2014-10-06 10:54 am

Registered: 2014-10-06
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

I just wanted to pop by and say thanks for this awesome database.

I've implemented the blacklist as a nginx config file that updates once a day and there is regular blocking of suspicious IP's.

Cheers and hopefully I'll be able to support the project in the near future.


#155 2015-07-15 9:54 am

Registered: 2012-10-10
Posts: 13

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

stopforum spam has been very usefull to me as a forum admin. this service is very very important and should stay alive


#156 2015-08-23 11:40 am

Registered: 2015-08-23
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Just joined. I'm a Mod on a site that suddenly had >3k members join in a few weeks. We managed to stop it when we introduced a longer list of questions which appear at random during the registration process.

But they're still all there. Now that I've found your site we can block the IP's using the lists you provide. Looking at "what members are doing" this a.m. I found more than half a dozen guests registering for an account. All from sites listed by you as potential spammers. Thanks to our robust registration process we've had only one get through in the last 6 months, but like every forum, we're constantly under attack. Thanks to you guys we have another weapon in our armory.

Big thank you for collating and presenting the information and also to the folks who supply it.


#157 2015-08-23 3:53 pm

Papa Parrot
From: Mexico
Registered: 2011-08-19
Posts: 1,826

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Your welcome!


#158 2015-08-24 5:54 pm

From: WI, USA, Earth
Registered: 2013-09-26
Posts: 830

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

ArtfulBodger wrote:

Just joined. I'm a Mod on a site that suddenly had >3k members join in a few weeks. We managed to stop it when we introduced a longer list of questions which appear at random during the registration process.

But they're still all there. Now that I've found your site we can block the IP's using the lists you provide. Looking at "what members are doing" this a.m. I found more than half a dozen guests registering for an account. All from sites listed by you as potential spammers. Thanks to our robust registration process we've had only one get through in the last 6 months, but like every forum, we're constantly under attack. Thanks to you guys we have another weapon in our armory.

Big thank you for collating and presenting the information and also to the folks who supply it.

That's just about the same thing that happened to the letter lol. However way back when my first signups were almost 400 bots in a week before I thoroughly learned/realized what forum bots actually were. I was just trying to provide a nice clean forum for chat and why was "wzv24vvzsrqwfaf" [random letter name] telling me thanks for a post? LOL.

Last edited by NeoFox (2015-08-24 5:55 pm)


#159 2015-10-14 12:32 pm

Registered: 2015-10-14
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Огромное спасибо за Вашу работу! Вы действительно создали полезный ресурс. Мой сайт был спасен от ботов благодаря Вам! Теперь все мои сайты будут использовать Ваш плагин.
Спасибо и великих удач!


#160 2015-10-14 12:58 pm

Registered: 2012-10-11
Posts: 336

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!


Ladyboss wrote:

Огромное спасибо за Вашу работу! Вы действительно создали полезный ресурс. Мой сайт был спасен от ботов благодаря Вам! Теперь все мои сайты будут использовать Ваш плагин.
Спасибо и великих удач!

Thanks to Google translate :

Many thanks for your work! You actually create a useful resource. My site was rescued from boats thanks to you! Now all my sites will use your plugin.
Thank you and great success!

In suppose that "boats" should be read as "bots" smile


#161 2015-10-25 11:14 am

Registered: 2015-10-22
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Another huge Thank You ! for this great resource. Reduced spammers registration by 95% according to the logs (20 tries in two days, one succeeded).

(Mod note: Signature removed
Do not add an html sig until you have made more than 10 useful posts, else we think you are a spammer, and put you in the SFS database)


#162 2016-09-04 1:56 pm

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2016-09-04
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Thank you, StopForumSpam is an amazing idea. As even the smallest forums (such as mine) nowadays suffer from spam every week!


#163 2016-09-16 11:34 am

Registered: 2016-09-16
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!


I want to say thank you as well!
This is a good for our community
i am also a professional seo executive.


#164 2016-09-19 2:56 pm

Papa Parrot
From: Mexico
Registered: 2011-08-19
Posts: 1,826

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

ankan>  i am also a professional seo executive.

Are you sure ? Or are you a bot/troll, that does not know when to use upper case ?
" i "  should be " I "

This is also from a professional seo executive.

I don't mean to be rude, but I have a very low opinion of anyone/anything that call their self a SEO executive,
"marketing engineer", or what ever.  It all is just spam.

SEO= Spam Everything Online


#165 2016-09-20 9:50 am

Registered: 2013-02-25
Posts: 339

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Hey... Ankan is offering thanks! Give him a break! smile

I believe there are things SEO people can do that don't involve spamming. And indeed: after four days I see no spammy links being added to his post or signature.

BTW, I have noticed that the younger generation are rather less formal with their grammar, spelling and punctuation, but that doesn't make them bad people.


#166 2016-09-20 12:06 pm

Alex Kemp
From: Nottingham, England
Registered: 2009-12-02
Posts: 2,425

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

zero-tolerance wrote:

less formal with their grammar, spelling and punctuation ... doesn't make them bad people.

Nah. Just makes them sloppy (says the 1950s Grammar School Boy).


#167 2016-09-20 10:37 pm

Papa Parrot
From: Mexico
Registered: 2011-08-19
Posts: 1,826

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

ankan>  hello

I want to say thank you as well!
This is a good for our community

I guess a apology from me is in order, so I apologize, sorry if I sound rude,
Any way, Welcome to the forum,  and you are welcome,  it is nice when people say
Thank you,....

Search Engine Optimization,  can help make the search engines work better, and
is important in good web design, I do like it when websites that actually have information
on the subject I search for come up in the searches,... that is what Search Engine Optimization is
supposed to do.
When the results are mostly or all advertisements that have nothing to do
with the subject, and are products I am not interested in,.... well unfortunately
the spammers call theirselves SEO experts, or something like that,....
Kind of like the term "hackers", many hackers discover new ways of doing things
in programming, and can repair bugs that cause problems,.... but then there are the
others  "hacking" their way into web sites, or systems just to be malicious and wreck
them,... But in any event I apologize, and your welcome,  thank you for posting and
telling us.


#168 2017-11-09 3:25 am

Registered: 2017-11-08
Posts: 6

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

This service is great, I integrated it in my custom forum software and it works amazingly.


#169 2017-11-21 4:37 pm

Gilbert Dump
Registered: 2017-11-21
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Thank you SFS, I added this to my forum today and it is working really well!


#170 2019-10-02 6:02 am

Registered: 2019-10-02
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

thanks for submit. really good work


#171 2020-04-29 11:24 pm

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Thank you very much for your help in saving the spam forum


#172 2020-05-03 4:09 am

uıɐbɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ buıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu ɯ,ı
From: New Zealand
Registered: 2008-04-16
Posts: 7,061

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

warm fuzzies smile


#173 2020-10-23 9:35 am

Registered: 2020-10-23
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

Found great answers here, big thanks!

AK wrote:

Mod edit:
Your SFS-username has been converted from your email address to the 'username' portion of that email address. Using an email address can be yet another form of spamming.

Your post is a nonsense, say-nothing piece of worthless piffle. Be very careful not to spam on this site. If you spam here then your internet details become banned across the entire world. I would advise you not to do it.


#174 2021-07-25 1:46 pm

Registered: 2021-07-25
Posts: 1

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

I installed the Stop Spammers plugin and found this great resource. The spam email pretty much stopped immediately, and we were fighting this for a long time. Thank you!


#175 2023-12-14 10:15 am

Registered: 2023-12-14
Posts: 2

Re: A Thanks to Stop Forum Spam!!

I am a new member here. Thanks to your database, I easily logged into my account. Your database makes it easy to identify bots and spammers; we regularly get them registering on our form.


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