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#1 2022-07-22 10:06 pm

Registered: 2022-07-22
Posts: 8

Still waiting for removal (confirmed false positive by blacklister)

Hi, I submitted a removal request almost 2 weeks ago with a lengthy message and link to evidence verifying that the blacklisting site confirmed the blacklisting was a false positive so my details should not have been blacklisted. Unfortunately I have not received a reply from stopforumspam yet, and it appears my details are still listed in the database, resulting in my inability to register on this forum with the details in question to enquire further. I also submitted this message via the contact form where staff can retrieve the details I am enquiring about. When can I expect a response to my case?


#2 2022-07-22 10:17 pm

Alex Kemp
From: Nottingham, England
Registered: 2009-12-02
Posts: 2,425

Re: Still waiting for removal (confirmed false positive by blacklister)

Every SFS-registered person/entity that reports a spammer — and you *have* to be registered with SFS to report spammers — has a My Spammers page that lists all spammers that they have reported. Each spammer in the list has a "Remove" button next to their entry that allows the reporter to remove that spammer from the DB. Therefore, someone is lying.

I'll send email + PM to pedigree alerting him to this report for his action.


#3 2022-07-22 10:26 pm

Registered: 2022-07-22
Posts: 8

Re: Still waiting for removal (confirmed false positive by blacklister)

To clarify, the removal request submitted two weeks ago was by myself, the holder of the account that was blacklisted by mistake by their forum. I actually just contacted their forum at about 6pm EST today realizing they may be able to remove it from SFS for me since it was their site that blacklisted me. I uploaded a screenshot of said email in the same Google Drive folder  I linked to in the removal request message, that also has the other evidence. Again, the other evidence in that folder includes confirmation by their forum that their banning of me was a mistake (see the file uploaded July 10th with filename starting "screencapture...").


#4 2022-07-22 10:32 pm

Registered: 2022-07-22
Posts: 8

Re: Still waiting for removal (confirmed false positive by blacklister)

So to summarize (apologies, I can't edit my post above), they unbanned me on their forum and confirmed they made a mistake, but haven't removed my details from SFS yet which it seems is what they were supposed to do, and which I have just contacted them about today about 30 minutes ago.


#5 2022-07-23 4:40 am

Registered: 2022-07-22
Posts: 8

Re: Still waiting for removal (confirmed false positive by blacklister)

Well, like clockwork, after I submitted new posts on their site earlier today, I received a new email from their site saying my account is banned again. It seems it's always not far after midnight when this happens. I guess that's when their faulty antispam filter clicks in. As you can see of the screenshots of the new posts I submitted, these posts are an enquiry about my skin healing process on their skin-related site (skin-care-talk) and are in no way spam. I sent another email to them just now informing them of the re-ban and that they should try removing my details from the SFS database to see if that helps prevent re-occurrence of these continuous auto-bans. I uploaded a screenshot of that new email I just sent to the aforementioned Google Drive folder.

New post 1:
https:// .com/file/d/1kyA3ZegCpcVAuOJp 9CXAi030NYCMkMBv/view?usp=sharing

New post 2:
https:// .com/file/d/1-rBnwn8HfHxviAKXU en7WZFSzFOtv4j4/view?usp=sharing


#6 2022-07-23 4:52 am

Registered: 2022-07-22
Posts: 8

Re: Still waiting for removal (confirmed false positive by blacklister)

My Google Drive image links above didn't seem to work (maybe because no file extension at the end) so retrying using imgur:

https:// jQd2MzL.png

https:// TZuG4ev.png

[Mod edit: image links broken so that I am not forced to report the OP for spamming]
[nothing shrieks "spam" like a forum for skin-whitening products]


#7 2022-07-23 5:29 pm

Registered: 2022-07-22
Posts: 8

Re: Still waiting for removal (confirmed false positive by blacklister)

Received a reply (screenshot below) from one of their forum staff saying "There is nothing that we can do to speed up the removal from SFS's database. The report will automatically roll off of their list." And then s/he said that they'll forward it to senior staff.

Meanwhile I asked pmDune for my account to be unbanned a third time, but I have no plans to further post on that site due to the risk of my details being blacklisted on SFS again. I just want my details to be removed from the SFS database so it doesn't affect my registration/posting ability on other sites or for the details to populate in other databases as a result of the details being on this database (I don't know what the possibility of this is).

Regarding the screenshot below, I redacted the email addresses (theirs and mine) because the screenshot is posted publicly (at imgur) so I don't want a random toxic third party potentially abusing the opportunity of contacting or using these. I posted all the unredacted screenshots of the full convo in the same Google Drive folder I linked to in the initial report that I had submitted via

So, I wasn't lying about anything -- I was unfairly banned on their forum, seemingly by a faulty antispam bot, the moderator confirmed it was a false positive and unbanned me, but it happened again and again when I made further posts there, and I subsequently found my details on this spam database and submitted a removal request with evidence at the aforementioned link. I hope pedigree sees all of these updates and the supporting evidence I provided at the Google Drive folder. Again, I have no plans to post further on their site; I've spent enough time trying to get this resolved and it should not have been necessary.




#8 2022-07-23 5:35 pm

Registered: 2022-07-22
Posts: 8

Re: Still waiting for removal (confirmed false positive by blacklister)

I just saw mod edit to my post above, before I made my previous post with another image. Sorry. I would edit out my new screenshot but I don't have the ability to edit yet.

I did not knowingly join a skin lightening forum. I had accumulated a facial scar as a result of an injury on 6/20/22, and I googled sites for skincare to optimally treat it before considering cosmetic treatment. Up came as one of the first results. I did not look through it thoroughly before I registered and posted, thinking it was a general dermatology/skincare forum, but I see now it focuses or at least used to focus predominantly on skin lightening topics.

I am not of an ethnicity that would use skin lightening products.


#9 2022-07-24 12:06 am

uıɐbɐ ʎɐqǝ ɯoɹɟ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ buıʎnq ɹǝʌǝu ɯ,ı
From: New Zealand
Registered: 2008-04-16
Posts: 7,061

Re: Still waiting for removal (confirmed false positive by blacklister)

ive just processed this weeks removal requests.  check again


#10 2022-07-24 12:34 am

Registered: 2022-07-22
Posts: 8

Re: Still waiting for removal (confirmed false positive by blacklister)

Yeah, based on my email address search, it's removed. Thanks so much. I also emailed the skincaretalk forum staff an update saying it's resolved and I don't plan to post there again, to avoid risk of another false positive listing. Thanks again.


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